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 Reissue of the 3 first albums of SPACE ART by Because Music

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Registration date : 2008-07-17

Reissue of the 3 first albums of SPACE ART by Because Music Empty
PostSubject: Reissue of the 3 first albums of SPACE ART by Because Music   Reissue of the 3 first albums of SPACE ART by Because Music Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep - 9:52

Because Music is reissuing SPACE ART's three legendary albums "ONYX", "TRIP IN THE HEAD CENTER" and "PLAY-BACK" as well as a compilation of remixes on 28th October 2016.

Pre-ordering is available now from Forced Exposure:
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Reissue of the 3 first albums of SPACE ART by Because Music
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